Gaza's Plight Matters to the World
Originally published in The Hill newspaper This month, U.S. congressmen, including Reps. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) and Mark Pocan (D-Wis.),...
Hemp is Patriotic - historically and economically
Originally published in The Hill newspaper America wouldn’t be America without hemp. The sails on ships of discovery were made from hemp,...
Say "YES" To Organic
Originally published in The Hill newspaper Since 1981, the Rodale Institute, America’s oldest organic research institute, has conducted...
Government policies support environmentally harmful meat production
Originally published in The Hill newspaper The Animal Agriculture Alliance met recently with an agenda that included issues ranging from...
We Can Reverse Climate Change by the Way We Grow Food
Yesterday the White House and USDA hosted a meeting with food, agriculture and data industry officials in an attempt to encourage...
Congress Hosts GMO Psychodrama
OK, quick, grab your gene gun and shoot tiny DNA-coated metal pellets of "Scandal" into the pitch-dark cell walls of the "House of Cards"...
The Vietnam War Toxin Now Lurking in US Food
Lingering long after the bombs stopped falling in Vietnam, the effects of Agent Orange continue to haunt Vietnamese people and American...
The Link Between Parkinson's And Your Produce
Although there is much promising research, there is no known cure for Parkinson's disease. Also, relatively little is known about how...
GMO Pushers and the Art of War
In The Art of War the famous strategist Sun Tzu writes, "The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real...
Monsanto: The Enemy of Family Farmers
After years of work by scientific public interest organizations such as Center for Food Safety and governmental bodies such as the United...